Salt Water Fishing
Enjoy the nature and fantastic fishing the Atlantic Ocean offers
Bass said there is no better bonding experience than spending the day on the lake with spouses, friends or children.
“You have to experience it for an hour to know why people keep coming back here year after year. I have taken people out with their kids and now those grown children are returning for trips with their children. They want to share that same experience that they had with their parents.”

Airboat Rides
“Roy just isn’t an airboat tour guide, he knows every single bass hole in the county and catches more double digit bass than anyone I have ever seen,” Sorenson said. “In addition to fishing, he knows the waters so well he can take you from Blue Cypress Lake to Orlando in an airboat. This is invaluable because we often have customers who want to have a variety of experiences - from taking the grandkids fishing, wildlife photography, checking out big gators, and exploring remote areas that are off the normal tourist tours. I really like having the flexibility to offer a variety of options to my clients.”